Imprint & Legal Notice

Responsible for the content of the pages

Alexander Flach
Chrüzweg 20
5603 Staufen

Information about Flach Investment Management

Flach Investment Management is a sole proprietorship (owner/managing director: Alexander Flach), which provides financial services (in particular asset management). "Stoic Value" and "Stoic Value Partners" are brands of Flach Investment Management.
The financial services provider is a member of the IGUV Interest Group of Independent Asset Managers (, "IGUV"). As a member with "Advisor" status, the financial services provider adheres to the IGUV Code of Honour.

Asset management

In asset management, the financial service provider manages the client's assets as the client's authorised representative on behalf of the client and for the client's account and risk. The client holds a securities custody account to which the financial services provider has access. However, the client retains access to and power of disposal over the assets in the custody account at all times. Within the framework of the suitability test and the agreed investment strategy and any investment restrictions, the asset manager executes transactions at his own discretion and without consulting the client.

Investment strategy

The financial services provider pursues a long-term, "long-only" (no short selling), value-oriented, analysis-intensive and concentrated investment strategy using equities, bonds and ETFs. Derivatives can be used to hedge positions.
The (concentrated) investment strategy can lead to greater fluctuations in the investment value and relatively high cash holdings (foreign exchange).

Supervisory status

Flach Investment Management is registered as a financial services provider in the advisor register of BX Swiss AG.
Due to its size, Flach Investment Management does not have to be licensed by Finma and is not subject to the Anti-Money Laundering Act, but must comply with the rules of conduct in accordance with the Financial Services Act (including Art. 7 - 20 FinSA).

Ombudsman's office

The financial service provider is affiliated with the independent Ombudsman for Financial Services (FINSOM), which is recognised by the Federal Department of Finance. Disputes concerning legal claims between clients and the financial services provider should, where possible, be settled by the ombudsman's office as part of a mediation procedure. The address of FINSOM can be found below:

Ombudsman für Finanzdienstleistungen (FINSOM)

Address: Avenue de la gare 45
Postcode/Place: 1920 Martigny
Telephone: +41 27 564 04 11

General risks of financial instruments and the financial services offered

Investments in financial instruments are associated with opportunities, but also with risks. Further information can be found in the brochure "Risiken im Handel mit Finanzinstrumenten" der Schweizerischen Bankiervereinigung (SBVg)".


All texts and links have been carefully checked and are constantly updated. We endeavour to provide correct and complete information on this website, but accept no responsibility, guarantee or liability whatsoever that the information provided on this website is correct, complete or up-to-date.

The primary purpose of this website is to provide general information about Alexander Flach, Stoic Value Partner, Flach Investment Management and their investment philosophy. It is not intended to offer investors the opportunity to invest in a fund product. None of the information contained on this website should be construed in any way as financial, investment or other professional advice. No reliance should be placed on the website as containing sufficient information to support an investment decision. Alexander Flach, Stoic Value Partner or Flach Investment Management cannot and do not guarantee the success of any investment strategy. Past results are not necessarily an indicator of future performance. Investments are associated with risks. Any investment may only be made after receipt and review of the offering documents, including the risk factors contained therein, and the other final legal documents relating to such investment. You should rely only on the offering document and such other legal documents in making an investment decision.

We reserve the right to change the information on this website at any time and without prior notice and do not undertake to update the information contained herein. All links to external providers were checked for accuracy at the time of their inclusion, but we are not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be accessed via hyperlinks. Liability for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content and in particular for damage caused by the content of linked pages lies solely with the provider of the linked page. It is irrelevant whether the damage is of a direct, indirect or financial nature or whether there is any other damage that could result from loss of data, loss of use or other reasons of any kind.


The copyright for all content on this website - unless otherwise indicated - is held by Alexander Flach.

Data protection

We cannot accept any liability for the security of data transmission on the Internet. In particular, there is a risk of access by third parties when data is transmitted by e-mail.

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