Hi - I'm Alex. I help you level up your
value investing skills.

For the past decade, I've been supporting businesses and startups through managing projects to optimize their finance, HR, and data systems with the goal to make them more efficient. My days were filled with transforming processes and building solid data frameworks. 

Yet, my own compass always pointed towards investing. 

Fuelled by a passion for value investing, I studied the strategies of the greats and began applying their principles to my personal investment portfolio. My journey led me to advise friends and family on their investing journey since 2021.

My current mission is to bring this treasure trove of learnings and experiences to a broader audience. Through my newsletter, I share practical advice, to help you improve your productivity skills and build your own long-term investment portfolio on the side.

So you, too, are working towards financial freedom. 

Off the clock, I’m creating human connections and fostering community through various associations.

I believe that in investing, like in life, it's about learning together and building long-lasting friendships.

Let's help each other to release the inherent potential that resides within all of us.

I write about four topics to help you to level up your investing and productivity skills.

Value Investing

Value investing is a time-proven investment strategy to enjoy long-term investment success. Let's dive into the world of Warren Buffett, sharing investment analysis and exploring concepts that will help you uncover undervalued companies.

Stoic Mindset & Psychology

The philosophy of Stoicism will help us think rationally and keep us balanced even in the most challenging times. Being aware of our biases, and understanding important psychological frameworks, will help us on our quest to reach financial independence.

Productivity & Project Management

Learn project management and productivity strategies that will allow you to start building your investment portfolio besides your day-job.

Learn how you can design your life and working environment for maximal focus and decision quality.

Data Literacy

In today's world, we have different tools available to help us in our investing process. Let me show you how we can take advantage of the digital area for your portfolio building. 

And if you are working with Microsoft Excel, you are in for a treat. I will share numerous tips, tricks and strategies along the way about how you can leverage Excel and make the most out of it. 

Start your journey of building your portfolio and becoming a smarter investor.

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